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W.A.S.T.L.E.A.N.D series

This photographic series, like much of my work, exists simultaneously in subtle protest against our impact on the environment and in a quiet celebration of the landscape of the 'wasteland' or 'junkyard' as a memorial to our past as well as a warning to our future. These images envision a 'modern wasteland' as a vision of the earths future, as a pocket of post-Anthropocene space dominated by mad made detritus which swells with the potential to over spill until our whole environment looks this way. The images are taken in Dungeness, a coastal location chosen for it's unique status as a UK desert, reflecting the potential for anomalous locations and ecosystems to emerge and for our landscapes to become unrecognizable when a balance is changed, as well as for it's history as a once thriving but diminished fishing community, portraying the place and its people as victims too, rather than only perpetrators, of the apparatus of climate change such as industrial scale fishing which not only depletes fish stocks and contributes to harmful emissions but puts communities such as this at risk of losing their work and identity. Overall I seek to present this lonely 'wasteland' as a place of mourning and warning, where lost things decay forgotten, and where the darkest possibilities for our future are already seeping into our present.