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Personal project - Flame Hypnosis

Artwork for by Ladislas


Title : "Flame Hypnosis" - Digital Art - 2019 /

This Artwork is part of my personal creative exploration and experiments . I'm focusing on complex portraits visuals that are mixing color contrast and harmonies, shapes and patterns. All these types of images i'm creating are all connected to a main central focus and theme:

I'm confronting the human body and its place alongside the richness and diversity of nature. See how we interact and are part of it and at the same time how we transform our world to fit to us.

I'm showing the ambivalence / ambiguity that lies in each human being, the 2 sides that are clashing and go in opposite directions within us:

  • The constant need to control, adapt our environment to our own needs without thinking of the consequences of these modifications.
  • In opposition to the need of peace and balance that we can find when connected with the natural environment. A kind of roots that we've rediscovered.

Through these images, he’s questioning our « place as humans in the world ». We do concentrate more and more in the cities and progressively losing the connection between nature and or initial primitive “wildness” and “freedom” as we fall more and more on a “Digital and 24/7 connected” way of living.

For any inquiry , question please get in touch with me: [email protected]

Have a look at my portfolio :

Have a look at my paintings:

Digital painting created with a graphic tablet and Adobe Photoshop . All the painting is hand drawn and painted without insertion of any photographic material. Digital Limited edition poster on sale:…