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This song and video are all based around being at your minimum and working hard for very little return.

No money to eat, no money for uber, no money for smoke, no energy etc.

“This is for all of us who worked our fingers to the bone for pennies, maybe even for free. For all of us who have hit rock bottom, worked for minimum whilst running on empty!” - Gramn

We wanted to reference some of 90s rap videos that influenced us but with minimal effort and also on a minimal budget so the green screen isn't perfect and neither are the props, and costumes etc. For example the black jumpsuit was entirely made from gaffer tape and one of the other costumes from tin foil.

We shot the whole video on a Blackmagic Cinema Camera using a Canon fisheye lens to again to keep the feel nostalgic and similar to the early Beastie Boys and Busta Rhymes videos we all loved.