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Photos for Voodo Radio


Hello  because of unfortunate  circumstances  I was unable to meet a deadline of the Christmas Brief request deadline 14 of August 2022. My name is Sandra Hall and I am what you call a light worker. This means that I can capture pictures of things like Demons and much more. The picture you see is not my best but it's a wolf face in the Night Sky. I  have photos( over 9000)of things that will blow your mind. If you give me a chance I can show you what I mean. I would like to send you photos in email as there is too many restrictions on how many and size etc. Please drop me a e mail so I can respond with some mind blowing photos. [email protected]  in lower case letters is my e mail. I promise you if you choose to respond you will be amazed. Just give me a chance to show you . Thank you for your time